Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ni Hao,

Some of you are racing through your country studies - travelling the world extremely quickly! I am struggling to change our greetings on our blog to keep up with you. Make the most of your chosen countries because we will be travelling again together as a group shortly. To help you with some of your research I have provided a link to the National Geographic site - check it out as it has some cool games on it too.



  1. Ka rawe, room 3! I think your blog site is awesome, fantastico!!!
    I wonder if you would be able to find out where I am in the world ...

    I am standing quite up high,
    46 metres tall ...
    Up on a pedestal.
    I look green but I am made of copper,
    It is quite impressive to see me from a helicopter!
    I represent two things
    freedom and democracy rings
    a bell?
    If not, I'll give you one more clue ...
    Go and eat a Big Apple or two!

    1000 house points up for grabs if you see me in person, Room 3!

  2. Hey Mrs C and the Buzzy Bees,

    We think you are sight seeing and are at the Statue of Liberty???

    Thanks for posting a comment. It has taken Mrs A a while to find it!!
